Below is the formal announcement (from Barb Wendling of the Woodcock-Munoz Foundation) of the first Richard Woodcock Institute For Advancement of Contemporary Cognitive Assessment. [Conflict of interest disclosure: I am a coauthor of the WJ III and also am the Research Director for WMF]
The Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation has established an institute to support the advancement of contemporary cognitive assessment and to provide professional growth opportunities for practitioners, students, and faculty. In recognition of the many contributions that Dr. Richard Woodcock has made to the field of psychology and cognitive assessment, the institute is named in his honor.
We invite our university grant programs to collaborate with the WMF on this venture by serving as a host site. Our plan is to hold each Institute at a different university so that professionals in various geographic locations can have access to this opportunity for professional growth.
The Institute is a one-day event featuring nationally-known speakers and topics related to contemporary cognitive assessment and theory. The first Institute will feature Dr. Richard Woodcock as the keynote speaker and Dr. Kevin McGrew and Dr. Nancy Mather as the session presenters. Our first host site is Tufts University and the Institute will be held September 29, 2012. Details regarding the inaugural Institute will be available at the WMF website (www.woodcock-munoz-foundation.org) by March 30, 2012.
If you are interested in serving as a host site or have ideas for topics or speakers for future institutes, please contact Barbara Wendling, Director, Richard Woodcock Institute, at b.wendling@woodcock-munoz-foundation.org.
Barbara J. Wendling
Director, The Richard Woodcock Institute
- Posted using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad