I'm on the road again, this time for personal business. I'm in
Gainesville, Fl helping my daughter and son-in-law deal with the first week of out-patient chemo for Ezra's (their two year old) just diagnosed ALL (leukemia). My role is to be older bro's (Rowan) playmate while they are off doing hospital visits and other errands.
I anticipate the 4 year old toddler will run me ragged. I return home this Saturday.
If you want to learn more about their adventure, my daughter has a very nice professional blog called M
anic Mother. She is a chip of the old blog :)
I don't expect much time to blog...except for possible "push" type FYI posts re: content posted at other blogs.....or...
mobile blogging (check out the link.....it is very cool...but, of course, I tend to be a tech nerd)......with pictures of activities, people, etc. at the conference.
I shall return.