Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Groovin' software - virtual office software for P2P communication/work

Technology alert.

Based on the recommendation of my work associate (Jeff Evans of Evans Consulting), I recently started using a piece of "virtual office" software called the Groove. Jeff and I have been using it for approximately two weeks.

I must say that this is one of the best pieces of software I've every tried. KUDOS to Jeff for finding this gem. As many of us start to move towards the "flat world" (as per the best selling "The World is Flat" book) and we start to work and collaborate with others via "virtual offices", software like the Groove will become critical.

I'm not alone in my excitement for this software (which would be great for anyone doing collaborative research, work, etc. together). WinXPnews today gave it a great review.

If you collaborate with 1 or more people in different locations and are looking for a more efficient means to engage in P2P (person-2-person) communication, file sharing, etc., this is the real deal.

I'm in da Groove................