Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (June 7-14th, 2012)


Watch this 3-minute tutorial
Watch this 3-minute tutorial


We are excited to announce the stellar and growing roster of Speakers and Moderators @ 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit, including several in-depth educational workshops to address topics of high-interest based on your feedback. You can now Watch a 3-minute tutorial about the 2012 Summit, and Register at early-bird rates before April 30th. We hope you can join us!  


Learn More and Register  




June 7th, 2012


June 8th, 2012


June 14th, 2012

Educational Workshops

- Dr. Evian Gordon, Executive Chairman, Brain Resource

- Dr. Michael Posner, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon

- Dr. Yaakov Stern, Cognitive Neuroscience Division Leader, Columbia University

- Dr. Yi-Yuan Tang, Director, Texas Tech Neuroimaging Institute

- Sharon Begley, Senior Health & Science Correspondent, Reuters

- Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman, Director, Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas

- Dr. Holly Jimison, Associate Professor, Oregon Health & Science

- Dr. William Reichman, President, Baycrest

- Dr. Keith Wesnes, Practice Leader, United BioSource Corporation

- David Coleiro, Partner, Strategic North

- Kathleen Herath, Associate Vice President Health & Productivity, Nationwide Insurance

Dr. Olivier Oullier, Professor of Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Aix-Marseille

- David Rock, Co-Founder, NeuroLeadership Institute

- Ed Batista, Leadership Coach, Stanford Graduate School of Business

- Dr. Gregory Bayer, CEO, Brain Resource

- Peter Kissinger, President, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

- Dr. Peter Whitehouse, Professor, Case Western Reserve University





- Nolan Bushnell, Founder, Atari

- Alvaro Fernandez, CEO, SharpBrains

- Lindsay Gaskins, CEO, Marble: the Brain Store

- Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, President, Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation

- Dr. Shlomo Breznitz, President, CogniFit

- Dr. Adam Gazzaley, Director of the Neuroscience Imaging Center, UCSF

- Eric Gordon, CEO, Atentiv

- Dr. C. Shawn Green, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

- Brian Mossop, Community Editor, Wired

- Dr. Jonathan King, Program Director, NIH Division of Behavioral and Social Research

- Dr. Molly Wagster, Chief of the Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience Branch, National Institute on Aging

- Dr. Robert Bilder, Chief of Medical Psychology-Neuropsychology, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience

- Kristi Durazo, Senior Advisor, American Heart Association

- Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, author, scientist, neuropsychologist

- Jonas Jendi, CEO, Cogmed

- Dr. Kenneth Kosik, Co-Director, UC Santa Barbara Neuroscience Research Institute

- Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway, Assistant Professor, University of North Florida

- Dr. Henry Mahncke, CEO, Posit Science



- Howard Eaton, CEO, Eaton Educational Group

- Annette Goodman, Chief Education Officer, Arrowsmith Program

- Kate Sullivan, Director of the Brain Fitness Center, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

- Rodney Stoops, Administrator, Providence Place Retirement Community

- Alvaro Fernandez, CEO, SharpBrains












































Learn More and Register  
Please note that early-bird rates are avail­able now and until April 30th, and that friends of Sharp­Brains can get an addi­tional 15% dis­count by enter­ing this pro­mo­tional code: sharp2012

We hope many of you can join us and contribute to what we believe will be the most valuable and stimulating Summit so far, 



- The SharpBrains Team




PS1: May your organization be interested in becoming a Summit Sponsor or Exhibitor? Please learn more Here.



PS2: May your organization be interested in becoming a Summit Partner? Please learn more Here.





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