Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment OnlineFirst Alert
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment OnlineFirst Alert
- New OnlineFirst articles have been made available
(for the period 18 Jan 2012 to 5 Apr 2012):
- A Factor-Analytic Study of the Structure of the Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills-II
- Daniel H. Breidenbach and Brian F. French
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912439504
- A Mokken Scale to Assess Secondary Pupils' Experience of Violence in Terms of Severity
- Ton Mooij
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912439387
- Variance in Broad Reading Accounted for by Measures of Reading Speed Embedded Within Maze and Comprehension Rate Measures
- Andrea D. Hale, Christopher H. Skinner, Brian Wilhoit, Dennis Ciancio, and Jennifer A. Morrow
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912440787
- The Factor Structure of the BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Teacher Form, Child/Adolescent
- Bridget V. Dever, Kristen L. Mays, Randy W. Kamphaus, and Erin Dowdy
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912438869
- The Wechsler ACS Social Perception Subtest:: A Preliminary Comparison With Other Measures of Social Cognition
- Michelle R. Kandalaft, Nyaz Didehbani, C. Munro Cullum, Daniel C. Krawczyk, Tandra T. Allen, Carol A. Tamminga, and Sandra B. Chapman
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912436411
- Validation of the Spanish Version of the Woodcock-Johnson Mathematics Achievement Tests for Children Aged 6 to 13
- Sofia Diamantopoulou, Violeta Pina, Ana V. Valero-Garcia, Carmen González-Salinas, and Luis J. Fuentes
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912437531
- Testing the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the Philippines
- Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr., Allan B. I. Bernardo, and Ronnel B. King
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435459
- Preliminary Validation of the Motor Skills Rating Scale
- Claire E. Cameron, Wei-Bing Chen, Julia Blodgett, Elizabeth A. Cottone, Andrew J. Mashburn, Laura L. Brock, and David Grissmer
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435462
- Cross-Cultural Evaluation of Item Wording Effects on an Attitudinal Scale
- Yanyun Yang, Yi-Hsin Chen, Wen-Juo Lo, and Jeannine E. Turner
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435461