Friday, April 06, 2012

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment OnlineFirst

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment OnlineFirst Alert

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment OnlineFirst Alert

New OnlineFirst articles have been made available
(for the period 18 Jan 2012 to 5 Apr 2012):

A Factor-Analytic Study of the Structure of the Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills-II
Daniel H. Breidenbach and Brian F. French
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912439504

A Mokken Scale to Assess Secondary Pupils' Experience of Violence in Terms of Severity
Ton Mooij
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912439387

Variance in Broad Reading Accounted for by Measures of Reading Speed Embedded Within Maze and Comprehension Rate Measures
Andrea D. Hale, Christopher H. Skinner, Brian Wilhoit, Dennis Ciancio, and Jennifer A. Morrow
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912440787

The Factor Structure of the BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Teacher Form, Child/Adolescent
Bridget V. Dever, Kristen L. Mays, Randy W. Kamphaus, and Erin Dowdy
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912438869

The Wechsler ACS Social Perception Subtest:: A Preliminary Comparison With Other Measures of Social Cognition
Michelle R. Kandalaft, Nyaz Didehbani, C. Munro Cullum, Daniel C. Krawczyk, Tandra T. Allen, Carol A. Tamminga, and Sandra B. Chapman
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912436411

Validation of the Spanish Version of the Woodcock-Johnson Mathematics Achievement Tests for Children Aged 6 to 13
Sofia Diamantopoulou, Violeta Pina, Ana V. Valero-Garcia, Carmen González-Salinas, and Luis J. Fuentes
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282912437531

Testing the Factorial Invariance of the English and Filipino Versions of the Inventory of School Motivation With Bilingual Students in the Philippines
Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr., Allan B. I. Bernardo, and Ronnel B. King
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435459

Preliminary Validation of the Motor Skills Rating Scale
Claire E. Cameron, Wei-Bing Chen, Julia Blodgett, Elizabeth A. Cottone, Andrew J. Mashburn, Laura L. Brock, and David Grissmer
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435462

Cross-Cultural Evaluation of Item Wording Effects on an Attitudinal Scale
Yanyun Yang, Yi-Hsin Chen, Wen-Juo Lo, and Jeannine E. Turner
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment published 4 April 2012, 10.1177/0734282911435461