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September 19, 2007
Volume 52, Issue 38
Book Reviews | |
1. | Work, Happiness, and Unhappiness Author: Peter Warr Reviewer: Jay C. Thomas |
2. | Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding Our Darker Selves Author: James Hollis Reviewer: Leehu Zysberg |
3. | The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Authors: Paul Gilbert and Robert L. Leahy Reviewer: Jean Lau Chin |
4. | Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind Author: Amy J. L. Baker Reviewer: Beth Venzke |
5. | Excessive Medical Spending: Facing the Challenge Authors: Norman J. Temple and Andrew Thompson (Eds.) Reviewer: Denis Nissim-Sabat |
6. | Transforming Teacher Education: Reflections From the Field Authors: David Carroll, Helen Featherstone, Joseph Featherstone, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, and Dirck Roosevelt (Eds.) Reviewer: Catherine Scott |
7. | Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychopharmacology Authors: Sandra A. Jacobson, Ronald W. Pies, and Ira R. Katz Reviewer: Jerry A. Morris, Jr. |
8. | Educational Testing: A Competence-Based Approach Authors: James Boyle and Stephen Fisher Reviewer: Sherri McCarthy |
9. | Nutrition in Promoting the Public's Health: Strategies, Principles, and Practice Author: Mildred Kaufman Reviewer: Marjorie A. Sawicki |
10. | Changing the U.S. Health Care System: Key Issues in Health Services Policy and Management (3rd ed.) Authors: Ronald M. Andersen, Thomas H. Rice, and Gerald F. Kominski (Eds.) Reviewer: Robert J. Resnick |
11. | Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications Authors: Mary-Lou Galician and Debra L. Merskin (Eds.) Reviewer: Daniel Keyes |
12. | The Erotic Phenomenon Author: Jean-Luc Marion (Stephen E. Lewis, Trans.) Reviewer: Annie Lee Jones |
13. | Homosexuality and Religion: An Encyclopedia Author: Jeffrey S. Siker (Ed.) Reviewer: Karen Conner |
14. | Child Maltreatment: An Introduction (2nd ed.) Authors: Cindy L. Miller-Perrin and Robin D. Perrin Reviewer: Mark Connelly |
15. | Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide (3rd ed.) Authors: Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J. T. Vasquez Reviewer: Norman Abeles |
16. | The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon (25th Anniversary Edition) Author: David Elkind Reviewer: Benjamin K. Barton |
Video Review | |
17. | Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy With Donald Meichenbaum with Donald Meichenbaum Reviewer: Jeffrey E. Barnett |
Film Review | |
18. | The Pursuit of Happyness Director: Gabriele Muccino Reviewer: Ryan M. Niemiec |