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Access Top-Read Special Education Articles
SAGE publishes more than 20 peer-reviewed journals in Education and related fields, many of which are ranked in the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports®. Below, you may access the most-read articles from these journals and learn about the latest product news from SAGE.
Journal of Early Intervention
Official Journal of the Division for Early Childhood-CEC
The Early Communication Indicator for Infants and Toddlers: Early Head Start Growth Norms From Two States by Charles R. Greenwood, Dale Walker, and Jay BuzhardtJournal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
Teacher—Student Relationships Among Behaviorally At-Risk African American Youth From Low-Income Backgrounds: Student Perceptions, Teacher Perceptions, and Socioemotional Adjustment Correlates by Christopher Murray and Keith ZvochJournal of Learning Disabilities
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment for Specific Learning Disabilities Involving Impairments in Written and/or Oral Language by Virginia W. Berninger and Maggie O'Malley MayTopics in Early Childhood Special Education
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Head Start: A Closer Look at Program Policies and Procedures by Amanda C. Quesenberry, Mary Louise Hemmeter, and Michaelene M. OstroskyJournal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE in association with the Association for Positive Behavior Support
Reexamining the Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Social Behavior by Bob Algozzine, Chuang Wang, and Amy S. Violette
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions in the News!
Poor Behavior Doesn't Always Lead to Poor Academics
Despite popular belief, a new study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions finds that students who have poor behavior in the classroom do not always have poor grades.
Find out more
Journal of Intellectural Disabilities
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Owen Barr, Head of School of Nursing, Nursing Research Institute, Northern IrelandThe Journal of Intellectual Disabilities provides a medium for the exchange of best practice, knowledge and research between academic and professional disciplines from education, social and health settings to bring about advancement of services for people with intellectual disabilities.
To find out more and to submit your papers visit
Journal of Research in International Education
Steven R. Van Hook (Santa Barbara, USA) has published an article on Modes and models for transcending cultural differences in international classrooms in the Journal of Research in International Education (April 11, 2011). See a Youtube video outlining the research covered and a reference to the article in Wikipedia on the 'cross-cultural' topic page.
Special Education in Contemporary Society
An Introduction to Exceptionality, Fourth Edition
Richard M. Gargiulo, University of Alabama at BirminghamComprehensive Behavior Management
Individualized, Classroom, and Schoolwide Approaches, Second Edition
Ronald C. Martella, Eastern Washington University
J. Ron Nelson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Nancy E. Marchand-Martella, Eastern Washington University
Mark O'Reilly, University of Texas at AustinLanguage Development
Understanding Language Diversity in the Classroom
Sandra Levey, Lehman College-CUNY
Susan Polirstok, Kean UniversitySucceeding in the Inclusive Classroom
K-12 Lesson Plans Using Universal Design for Learning
Debbie Metcalf, East Carolina University
The SAGE Handbook of Dyslexia
Gavin Reid, Educational Psychologist
Angela Fawcett, University of Sheffield
Frank Manis, University of Southern California
Linda Siegel, University of British ColumbiaThe SAGE Handbook of Special Education
Lani Florian, University of AberdeenIf you have any comments about this free access period or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
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