Thursday, April 20, 2006

IQs Corner Virtual Community of Scholars project

Announcing the IQs Corner Virtual Community of Scholars experiment.

The objective of this project is simple. To increase the dissemination of up-to-date scholarly research to other scholars and practitioners with interests related to IQs Corner Blog. I, Kevin McGrew, benevolent dictator of this blog, make routine posts regarding articles I have read (click here for one example) on an consistently inconsistent basis. However, I've been frustrated by the volumn of great articles I find anda lack of time to read and post more. Thus, I decided to invite a select and small group of individuals to share in the pool of published articles I harvest on a weekly basis (from my weekly "recent literature of interest" posts), with the expectation that they will read the articles and provide guest posts to this blog.

Contributors will be cited as the source of the "guest blog post." If these quests posts are successful, the Virutal Community of Scholars contributors may be asked to become regular conributors to the IQ Corner blog (and will be granted posting privileges). That is, the IQs Corner blog may morph from the activity of one person (McGrew) to a community of regular contributors. Group ownership of the blog would be the goal

Participation by these motivated individuals is voluntary. This is an experiment. Stay tunned. The first guest post is almost ready.

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