Tuesday, January 21, 2025

#IQsCorner blog (and related social media) reboot a success—three month stats: Thanks. - attention #schoolpsychology #schoolpsychologists #intelligence #CHC theory #SLD #SPED #EDPSY

Warning…a bit of a self-promo post

In late October 2024 (Oct 25 blog post) I resurrected IQs Corner blog (originally started in 2005) and integrated it with automatic “trigger” posts to my  LinkedIn, Twitter/X, and BlueSky social media outlets.  It has now been 3+ months since I rebooted the blog. Time to take stock.

I don’t have the ability (nor time) to report on the impressions on the three other social media outlets.  But, I do have stats on blog visits.  Below is the current count of blog views over the last three months.  I think that over 135K is a good showing😉. The stats graph image is followed by an image listing some of the most viewed posts over the past six months.  

Thanks for the visits.  This is part of my sandbox presence in a small corner of internet/web. I shall continue.  Click on images to enlarge for viewing.