Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Research Byte: Diagnostic Criteria for Children with #Nonverbal #LearningDisability (#NVLD) based on #CHC theory - #schoolpsychology #schoolpsychologists #SLD #SPED #CHC

A Study on the Characteristics and Diagnostic Criteria of Children with Nonverbal Learning Disability(NVLD) based on CHC Theory

This was published in the Korean Learning Disbility Association publication.  I have no direct access to this publication.  The link his here.  The generalization to other populations (e.g., US) is unknown.


Research has been conducted on the existence and characteristics of nonverbal learning disabilities(NVLD) over the past decades. However, consensus on whether they belong to learning disabilities has not been reached. Also, their characteristics and diagnostic criteria has not yet been clarified. In order to solve these blind spots related to NVLD, cognitive characteristics were explored based on CHC intelligence theory, and structure of WISC test was analyzed to explore what subtests can be used to diagnose NVLD. The results of this study are as follows: First, it was confirmed that NVLD has deficits in Gv(visual processing), Gf(fluid reasoning), and Gs(processing speed), in contrast to strengths in Gc(crystallized intelligence) in the CHC theory. Second, according to the structural analysis of the WISC test, it was confirmed that subtests in the area of Verbal Comprehension Index(VCI), Visual Spatial Index(VSI), Fluid Reasoning Index(FRI), and Processing Speed Index(PSI) can be used to diagnose NVLD. By the result of this study, diagnosis and identification method for NVLD, applying new terms for the disability, and directions for subsequent studies were discussed.