Free Neuropsychology Articles from Psychology Press
Click on one of the links below to automatically jump to a specific journal:
- Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition
- Applied Neuropsychology
- Child Neuropsychology
- The Clinical Neuropsychologist
- Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
- Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Developmental Neuropsychology
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
- Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition
- Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
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Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition
Impact Factor 2008 1.143 (© Thomson Reuters)
Linas A. Bieliauskas, University of Michigan Health System, USA
Martin Sliwinski, Syracuse University, USAThe purposes of this journal are to (a) publish research on both the normal and dysfunctional aspects of cognitive development in adulthood and aging, and (b) promote the integration of theories, methods, and research findings between the fields of cognitive gerontology and neuropsychology.
- Read in full the 2009 article Differential Memory Test Sensitivity for Diagnosing Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Predicting Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease by Laura A. Rabin and colleagues.
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Applied Neuropsychology
Impact Factor 2008 1.017 (© Thomson Reuters)
Arthur MacNeill Horton, Psych Associates of Maryland, USA
Applied Neuropsychology is devoted to publishing original empirical research and reviews that improve the international practice of clinical Neuropsychology, giving practitioners all the information they need on what to do next, now.
- Read in full the 2009 article The WAIS-III and WAIS-IV: Daubert Motions Favor the Certainly False over the Approximately True by James R. Flynn.
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Child Neuropsychology
Impact Factor 2008 1.935 & 5-Year IF 2.229 (© Thomson Reuters)
Michael Westerveld, Florida Physicians Medical Group, Orlando, USA
Child Neuropsychology is the primary source for the latest research and current state of the art in normal and abnormal brain functioning in children and adolescents.
- Read in full the highly popular article Executive Functions: Performance-Based Measures and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) in Adolescents with ADHD by Maggie E. Toplak, Stefania M. Bucciarelli, Umesh Jain and Rosemary Tannock.
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The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Impact Factor 2008 1.75 & 5-Year IF 2.014 (© Thomson Reuters)
Russell M. Bauer, University of Florida, USA
Jerry J. Sweet, NorthShore University Health System; University of Chicago, USAThe Clinical Neuropsychologist provides in-depth discussions of matters relevant to the practicing clinical neuropsychologist. Because clinical neuropsychology is a rapidly expanding field, there is a need for airing of empirical data, models, concepts and positions pertaining to educational, clinical, and professional issues - the journal is designed to provide a forum for such presentations and discussions.
- Order with a 10% discount the recent Special Issue Proceedings of the International Conference on Behavioral Health and Traumatic Brain Injury, Guest Edited by George Zitnay and Rosemarie Scolaro Moser. It presents proceedings of the 2008 conference that brought together over 100 international scientists, health care professionals, policy makers, US Military personnel, and family members, addressing the pressing issues of TBI and PTSD in the military.
- Read in full the summit report Challenges in the Neuropsychological Assessment of Ethnic Minorities: Summit Proceedings by Heather R. Romero et al.
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Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
Anthony S. David, King's College London, UK
Peter Halligan, Cardiff University, UKCognitive Neuropsychiatry encourages the exploration of new frontiers and the integration and application of theories, methods and research findings on the cognitive roots of psychiatric disorders and behavioural abnormalities.
- Pre-order with a 10% discount the recent Special Issue on Delusion and Confabulation, which brings together leading researchers from diverse fields - memory researchers, clinical neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, cognitive scientists and philosophers - to consider the extent to which these different phenomena overlap.
- Read in full the leading 2009 article Prefrontal Cognitive Systems in Schizophrenia: Towards Human Genetic Brain Mechanisms by Hao-Yang Tan, Joseph H. Callicott and Daniel R. Weinberger.
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Cognitive Neuropsychology
5-Year Impact Factor 2.014 (© Thomson Reuters)
Brenda Rapp, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Cognitive Neuropsychology covers research involving brain-lesioned or neurologically-intact adults, children or non-human animals, which makes an explicit contribution to understanding of normal human cognitive processes and representations.
- Cognitive Neuropsychology is now accepting online submissions via Scholar One! Submit your paper at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pcgn. Read the full Instructions for Authors.
- Read in full the leading article Grouping in Object Recognition: The Role of a Gestalt Law in Letter Identification by Denis G. Pelli et al.
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Developmental Neuropsychology
Impact Factor 2008 1.964 (© Thomson Reuters)
Dennis L. Molfese, University of Louisville, USA
Developmental Neuropsychology explores the relationships that exist between brain and behavior across the life span. Both basic and clinical studies that mark pertinent research of the developing and aging brain are published.
- Read in full the article Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Child Outcomes: Real or Spurious Effect? by Valerie S. Knopik.
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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Impact Factor 2008 2.184 (© Thomson Reuters). 25% more issues in 2010!
Wilfred G. van Gorp, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, USA
Daniel Tranel, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, USAOne of the oldest and most distinguished journals in neuropsychology, the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology has a targeted emphasis on merging clinical issues with research rigor, focusing on both clinical and experimental issues in neuropsychology.
- Read in full the article A Systematic Review of Psychological Treatments for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Update on the Evidence by Deborah L. Snell, Lois J. Surgenor, E. Jean C. Hay-Smith, Richard J. Siegert.
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Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition
17% more pages in 2010!
Chris McManus, University College London, UK
Mike Nicholls, University of Melbourne, Australia
Giorgio Vallortigara, University of Trento, ItalyLaterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition publishes scholarly research on all aspects of lateralisation and asymmetry in man and animals, be it anatomical, artistic, behavioural, cognitive, cultural, developmental, embryological, experimental, historical, inter-disciplinary, linguistic, motoric, musical, neurological, physiological, pathological, psychological, statistical, or zoological: Asymmetry from A-Z.
- Order with a 10% discount the new Special Issue The Right Hand and the Left Hand of History, which provides original, unexpected and thought-provoking scholarly analyses of aspects of asymmetry in history, from the Renaissance to the 20th Century.
- Read in full the popular article from the Special Issue Eclectic Lefty-hand: Conjectures on Jimi Hendrix, Handedness, and Electric Ladyland by Stephen Christman.
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Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition
5-Year Impact Factor 2008 1.552(© Thomson Reuters).
Bruce L. Miller, University of California-San Francisco, USA
Hans J. Markowitsch, University of Bielefeld, GermanyNeurocase is a rapid response journal of case studies related to cognition in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology, publishing single case investigations; group studies of subjects with brain dysfunction; reviews of important topics; and brief reports that replicate previous reports dealing with issues of considerable significance.
- Read in full the article Impairments in Prospective and Retrospective Memory following Stroke by Hyun Jung Kim, Fergus I.M. Craik, Lin Luo and Jon Erik Ween.
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Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal
Impact Factor 2008 1.667 (© Thomson Reuters).
Barbara A. Wilson, MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation publishes human experimental and clinical research related to rehabilitation, recovery of function, and brain plasticity. The journal is aimed at clinicians who wish to inform their practice in the light of the latest scientific research; at researchers in neurorehabilitation; and finally at researchers in cognitive neuroscience and related fields interested in the mechanisms of recovery and rehabilitation.
- Order with a 10% discount the new Special Issue on New Methodologies for Intervention and Outcome Measurement, Guest Edited by James Malec, which draws together thinking, approaches, and methods in neuropsychological rehabilitation and their ethical implications in order to clarify many of the ideas that are currently being explored.
- Read in full the article Aerobic Endurance Exercise Benefits Memory and Affect in Young Adults by Sanna Strot, Katrin Hille, Manfred Spitzer and Ralf Reinhardt.
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