Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Journal of Educational Psychology - Volume 101, Issue 2

A new issue is available for the following APA journal:

Journal of Educational Psychology

Volume 101, Issue 2

Instructional approaches that significantly increase reading comprehension.
Pages 262-281
Block, Cathy Collins; Parris, Sheri R.; Reed, Kelly L.; Whiteley, Cinnamon S.; Cleveland, Maggie D.
Shared book reading: When and how questions affect young children's word learning.
Pages 294-304
Blewitt, Pamela; Rump, Keiran M.; Shealy, Stephanie E.; Cook, Samantha A.
Modeling oral reading fluency development in Latino students: A longitudinal study across second and third grade.
Pages 315-329
Al Otaiba, Stephanie; Petscher, Yaacov; Pappamihiel, N. Eleni; Williams, Rihana S.; Dyrlund, Allison K.; Connor, Carol
The nature of preschool phonological processing abilities and their relations to vocabulary, general cognitive abilities, and print knowledge.
Pages 345-358
Lonigan, Christopher J.; Anthony, Jason L.; Phillips, Beth M.; Purpura, David J.; Wilson, Shauna B.; McQueen, Jessica D.
The ABCs of math: A genetic analysis of mathematics and its links with reading ability and general cognitive ability.
Pages 388-402
Hart, Sara A.; Petrill, Stephen A.; Thompson, Lee A.; Plomin, Robert
"Signaling in expository hypertexts compensates for deficits in reading skill": Correction to Naumann et al. (2007).
Page 419
Naumann, Johannes; Richter, Tobias; Jurgen, Flender; Christmann, Ursula; Groeben, Norbert
Effectiveness of comprehensive professional development for teachers of at-risk preschoolers.
Pages 448-465
Landry, Susan H.; Anthony, Jason L.; Swank, Paul R.; Monseque-Bailey, Pauline
Observed reductions in school bullying, nonbullying aggression, and destructive bystander behavior: A longitudinal evaluation.
Pages 466-481
Frey, Karin S.; Hirschstein, Miriam K.; Edstrom, Leihua V.; Snell, Jennie L.
The differential impact of early father and mother involvement on later student achievement.
Pages 498-508
McBride, Brent A.; Dyer, W. Justin; Liu, Ying; Brown, Geoffrey L.; Hong, Sungjin
The development and correlates of academic interests from childhood through adolescence.
Pages 509-519
Dotterer, Aryn M.; McHale, Susan M.; Crouter, Ann C.
How pervasive are relative age effects in secondary school education?
Pages 520-528
Cobley, Stephen; McKenna, Jim; Baker, Joeseph; Wattie, Nick

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