Thursday, May 24, 2007

More on spatial visualization rotation abilities (Gv-Vz)

Either there has been increased research interest in the role of spatial visualization (Gv-Vz) strategies/abilities and cognitive/academic performance as of late, or, I've been selectively attentive to articles that address this topic in my weekly searches of the social and behavioral research literature. Regardless, during the past two weeks I've run across three additional studies that have investigated how individuals approach classic block rotation visualization tasks and/or how these abilities/strategies can be modified via training.

Briefly, "mental rotation refers to the cognitive process of imagining how an object would look if rotated away from the orientation in which it is actually presented" (Jansen-Osmann & Heil, in press)

First, I've previously commented on gender studies that have suggested two differing cognitive strategies that individuals adopt when approachinging visual mental rotation tasks. As summarized in my prior post:
  • "Apparently some individuals use direct mental rotation strategies (which is the more "pure" mental visualization rotation strategy), others use an analytic feature comparison strategy (more often females), and some folks, typically those that do the best on these type of tasks, flexibly move between both types of strategies. The direct mental rotation strategy is the essence of spatial visualization/rotation ability."
Now, Stieff (2007) has added to this literature vis-a-vis the exploration of the use of these two different strategies in scientific reasoning. Based on three separate investigations, Stieff concluded the following, which they then discuss in terms of practical applications for differential instruction.
  • "In many scientific domains the emphasis on diagrams and external representations of three-dimensional objects suggests a need for students to generate and manipulate internal visuo-spatial representations;however, the use of feature-based strategies can obviate such visualization. The present work suggests that the diverse array of molecular representations available in chemistry and the use of a feature-based analytical strategy for interpreting and analyzing spatial information in external representations allow students and scientists to sometimes avoid mental rotation for problem solving. These results are consistent with similar findings from studies in engineering and design where problem solvers can use unique analytical and visuo-spatial strategies"
Next, Wiedenbauer and Jansen-Osmann (in press) present findings that suggest that it may be possible to improve mental rotation ability in children via manual visualization training. Jansen-Osmann strikes again, this time in association with with Heil (Jansen-Osmann & Heil, in press), in a developmental study of potential qualitative differences between children and adults in rotational uncertainty.

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