Monday, March 21, 2005

On the road again: Blogging gains mainstream (CNN's) attention

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Chicago reading the McDonald's of newspapers, the USA Today. In the Life section I ran across the following article--"It's prime time for blogs on CNN's Inside Politics'.

Many of you have asked me questions about what Blogs are, as they have not been on your internet radar screen. In a prior post (Blink and Blog) I briefly discuss how influential "blogging" and the "blogosphere" have become in politics and opinion formation related to political issues. Today's article, which indicates that CNN will now routinely have a piece on "what the blogs are saying (in politics)" is clearly a sign that mainstream media is recognizing the emerging role and importance of blogs in opinion formation.

In the article, Judy Woodruff states that
  • "not being a child of the internet, I confess I was skeptical when Jon first suggested the segment. I viewed blogs as pure opinion, no reporting. But I've come to see the segment as a tool for getting at a new, unpredictable and increasingly influence place on the political landscape."

Of course, a blog on intelligence theories and tests is by no means going to set the world on fire. It is just my humble opinion, and the reason for me giving this medium a try, that blogging (and whatever it may morph into next on the internet) is a potentiallly important outlet for providing information, analyses, and comment regarding a diverse array of topics. Just my 2 cents.

[PS - those who really know me probably recognize that the real motivation for my Blog is to hopefully gather enough attention so I can finally "make it big"---yep----being interviewed by Katie Couric on the Today show:) ]