The "intelligent" economic stimulus - advertise at IQ's Corner!
Over the past 1+ year I've offered ad space on my blog at bargain rates. At various times I've had 2-3 wise companies utilize this service. Why do I offer ads at this professional blog?
Simple. I LOVE blogging. IQs Corner (and now the sister blog...Tic Toc Talk: The IQ Brain Clock) are real labors of love..and are, more-or-less, hobbies. However, I'm not able to spend as much time as I would like with my blogs. If I had the time I could be posting considerable more material and could add new features. However, blogging comes at the expense of other work, projects, contracts, etc....all that pay the bills. Long story short---If this blog could generate a little "ching" in my pocket, I could then rationalize stealing time from other activities and do more. In return, advertisers would be receiving a bargain...at a top-notch recognized blog (see data below).
The current rate is a bargain (I will send you the information upon request). In the spirit of recovery for our economy, I'm keeping 2009 ad rates at the same rates used during 2008. If you are someone (or an organization) and want to make me a "creative proposal" (multiple ads; more than six months)...then fire away. Contact me at email address provided at the end of this post.
Why should anyone consider advertising on this blog?
A few random pieces of data below:
The placement of an ad does not imply endorsement of the advertising company or products by Kevin McGrew, the Institute for Applied Psychometrics, or IQs Corner Blog. It is just a way to try keep this blog hobby viable.
Web footprint: Presence on FIRST page of Google searches
I conducted a number of Google searches on 1-25-09 using the following variety of search terms. Click on each term to see the search results. As you will see, IQ's Corner Blog (this blog), my primary web page (IAP), or IQ's Corner sister blog (IQ Brain Clock) most often showed up on the FIRST page of Google results returned...sometimes the second page. As we know, most people only pay attention to the results of the first page (and sometimes second) from Google searches. Clearly this humble little blog does pop up when people interested in intelligence theory, research, testing, and related topics do searches for information:
Technorati Tags: psychology, blog advertising, educational psychology, school psychology, neuropsychology, education, special education, advertising, IQ, IQ scores, IQ tests, intelligence theories, blogging
Over the past 1+ year I've offered ad space on my blog at bargain rates. At various times I've had 2-3 wise companies utilize this service. Why do I offer ads at this professional blog?
Simple. I LOVE blogging. IQs Corner (and now the sister blog...Tic Toc Talk: The IQ Brain Clock) are real labors of love..and are, more-or-less, hobbies. However, I'm not able to spend as much time as I would like with my blogs. If I had the time I could be posting considerable more material and could add new features. However, blogging comes at the expense of other work, projects, contracts, etc....all that pay the bills. Long story short---If this blog could generate a little "ching" in my pocket, I could then rationalize stealing time from other activities and do more. In return, advertisers would be receiving a bargain...at a top-notch recognized blog (see data below).
The current rate is a bargain (I will send you the information upon request). In the spirit of recovery for our economy, I'm keeping 2009 ad rates at the same rates used during 2008. If you are someone (or an organization) and want to make me a "creative proposal" (multiple ads; more than six months)...then fire away. Contact me at email address provided at the end of this post.
Why should anyone consider advertising on this blog?
A few random pieces of data below:
- You can't beat the rates. [Or, make me an offer I can't refuse]
- IQs Corner was mentioned in Scientific American:Mind - and this was quite a while ago, before its web footprint became larger.
- IQs Corner has been recognized as a top 101 brain blog.
- IQs Corner has been discussed at Wikipedia.
- Your investment should reach a group of readers who are interested in staying abreast of contemporary research in intelligence theories, intelligence testing, educational psychology, school psychology, neuropsychology, special education, and general psychological and educational theory and assessment. As of today, since its birth, IQs Corner's (as reflected by the hit counter) has had almost 1/4 million unique visitors (230,305) and over 400,000 page views (404,774)
- You would help a great guy keep his hobby going :)
The placement of an ad does not imply endorsement of the advertising company or products by Kevin McGrew, the Institute for Applied Psychometrics, or IQs Corner Blog. It is just a way to try keep this blog hobby viable.
Web footprint: Presence on FIRST page of Google searches
I conducted a number of Google searches on 1-25-09 using the following variety of search terms. Click on each term to see the search results. As you will see, IQ's Corner Blog (this blog), my primary web page (IAP), or IQ's Corner sister blog (IQ Brain Clock) most often showed up on the FIRST page of Google results returned...sometimes the second page. As we know, most people only pay attention to the results of the first page (and sometimes second) from Google searches. Clearly this humble little blog does pop up when people interested in intelligence theory, research, testing, and related topics do searches for information:
- Gf-Gc intelligence
- Gf-Gc theory
- Human Cognitive Abilities
- Intelligence testing
- Intelligence theories
- Intelligent testing
- Cattell-Horn-Carroll
- CHC intelligence theory
- CHC theory
- IQ testing ISIR
- John Carroll intelligence
- John Horn intelligence
- Psychometrics
- RIAS IQ test
- School psychology IQ testing
- Theories of intelligence
- Woodcock-Johnson
- Flynn effect IQ
- Forrest Gump IQ
- Gender differences IQ
- Applied Psychometrics
- Beyond IQ
- Cognitive efficiency
- IQ Brain Clock
- IQs Corner
Technorati Tags: psychology, blog advertising, educational psychology, school psychology, neuropsychology, education, special education, advertising, IQ, IQ scores, IQ tests, intelligence theories, blogging