A few tidbits from today's cognitive blogsphere to note:
- Brain Injury blog FYI announcement of Brain Injury Vocational Conference in British Columbia, Vancouver May 24-26
- Developing Intelligence blog - another excellent post on the dimensions of working memory
- Eide Neurolearning blog - nice FYI post on educational implications of working memory
- Neuroethics and Law blog - interesting post re: commercial endeavor to use MRI's for lie detection (No Lie MRI)
- COGMED - I have not examined the efficacy of this commercial endeavor. COGMED provides working memory software to help with working memory, attention. concentration, ADHD, etc.
Technorati Tags: psychology, educational psychology, school psychology, education, learning, intelligence, IQ, brain, neuroscience, fMRI, cognitive training, lie detection, working memory, Gsm, brain injury, neurology
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