Process-oriented intelligence research: A review from the cognitive perspective - ScienceDirect
Despite over a century of research on intelligence, the cognitive processes underlying intelligent behavior are still unclear. In this review, we summarize empirical results investigating the contribution of cognitive processes associated with working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes to intelligence differences. Specifically, we (a) evaluate how cognitive processes associated with the three different cognitive domains have been measured, and (b) how these processes are related to individual differences in intelligence. Consistently, this review illustrates that isolating single cognitive processes using average performance in cognitive tasks is hardly possible. Instead, formal models that implement theories of cognitive processes underlying performance in different cognitive tasks may provide more adequate indicators of single cognitive processes. Therefore, we outlined which models for working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes may provide more specific insights into cognitive processes associated with individual differences in intelligence. Finally, we discuss implications of a process-oriented intelligence research using cognitive measurement models for psychometric theories of intelligence and argue that a model-based approach might overcome validity problems of traditional intelligence theories.
Despite over a century of research on intelligence, the cognitive processes underlying intelligent behavior are still unclear. In this review, we summarize empirical results investigating the contribution of cognitive processes associated with working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes to intelligence differences. Specifically, we (a) evaluate how cognitive processes associated with the three different cognitive domains have been measured, and (b) how these processes are related to individual differences in intelligence. Consistently, this review illustrates that isolating single cognitive processes using average performance in cognitive tasks is hardly possible. Instead, formal models that implement theories of cognitive processes underlying performance in different cognitive tasks may provide more adequate indicators of single cognitive processes. Therefore, we outlined which models for working memory capacity, processing speed, and executive processes may provide more specific insights into cognitive processes associated with individual differences in intelligence. Finally, we discuss implications of a process-oriented intelligence research using cognitive measurement models for psychometric theories of intelligence and argue that a model-based approach might overcome validity problems of traditional intelligence theories.
Kevin S. McGrew, PhD
Educational & School Psychologist
Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP)

Kevin S. McGrew, PhD
Educational & School Psychologist
Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP)