Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Article: Why Do Some People Learn Faster?

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Article: Education Conferences, Brain Based Learning, Professional Development For Teachers

Education Conferences, Brain Based Learning, Professional Development For Teachers

(Sent from Flipboard)

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Early puzzle play: A predictor of preschoolers' spatial transformation skill.

Developmental Psychology - Vol 46, Iss 4
Individual differences in spatial skill emerge prior to kindergarten entry. However, little is known about the early experiences that may contribute to these differences. The current study examined the relation between children's early puzzle play and their spatial skill. Children and parents (n = 53) were observed at home for 90 min every 4 months (6 times) between 2 and 4 years of age (26 to 46 months). When children were 4 years 6 months old, they completed a spatial task involving mental transformations of 2-dimensional shapes. Children who were observed playing with puzzles performed better on this task than those who did not, controlling for parent education, income, and overall parent word types. Moreover, among those children who played with puzzles, frequency of puzzle play predicted performance on the spatial transformation task. Although the frequency of puzzle play did not differ for boys and girls, the quality of puzzle play (a composite of puzzle difficulty, parent engagement, and parent spatial language) was higher for boys than for girls. In addition, variation in puzzle play quality predicted performance on the spatial transformation task for girls but not for boys. Implications of these findings as well as future directions for research on the role of puzzle play in the development of spatial skill are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Working memory in children: Tracing age differences and special educational needs to parameters of a formal model.

Developmental Psychology - Vol 46, Iss 4
Parameters of a formal working-memory model were estimated for verbal and spatial memory updating of children. The model proposes interference though feature overwriting and through confusion of whole elements as the primary cause of working-memory capacity limits. We tested 2 age groups each containing 1 group of normal intelligence and 1 deficit group. For young children the deficit was developmental dyslexia; for older children it was a general learning difficulty. The interference model predicts less interference through overwriting but more through confusion of whole elements for the dyslexic children than for their age-matched controls. Older children exhibited less interference through confusion of whole elements and a higher processing rate than young children, but general learning difficulty was associated with slower processing than in the age-matched control group. Furthermore, the difference between verbal and spatial updating mapped onto several meaningful dissociations of model parameters. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Stability of language in childhood: A multiage, multidomain, multimeasure, and multisource study.

Developmental Psychology - Vol 46, Iss 4
The stability of language across childhood is traditionally assessed by exploring longitudinal relations between individual language measures. However, language encompasses many domains and varies with different sources (child speech, parental report, experimenter assessment). This study evaluated individual variation in multiple age-appropriate measures of child language derived from multiple sources and stability between their latent variables in 192 young children across more than 2 years. Structural equation modeling demonstrated the loading of multiple measures of child language from different sources on single latent variables of language at ages 20 months and 48 months. A large stability coefficient (r = .84) obtained between the 2 language latent variables. This stability obtained even when accounting for family socioeconomic status, maternal verbal intelligence, education, speech, tendency to respond in a socially desirable fashion, and child social competence. Stability was also equivalent for children in diverse childcare situations and for girls and boys. Across age, from the beginning of language acquisition to just before school entry, aggregating multiple age-appropriate methods and measures at each age and multiple reporters, children show a strong stability of individual differences in general language development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Defining and distinguishing validity: Interpretations of score meaning and justifications of test use.

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And another APA review of Thinking Fast and Slow

PsycNET - Direct Products

Reviews the book, Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (see record 2011-26535-000). Thinking, Fast and Slow can be described as a review of current knowledge and thinking on the psychology of judgments and decision. The author goes beyond a general review and boldly applies the findings of his own research and that of other cognitive psychologists to major policy areas such as criminal justice, law, medicine, economics, financial investing, and modern media, among others. In later chapters, the perspective is broadened to the important life issues of personal judgments about happiness and psychological well-being. At times the connections between conclusions and applications and the experimental evidence are not clear. This book is a marvelous overview of the experimental psychology of judgment and decision that educates the public regarding application of the scientific method in psychology and should excite students and professional psychologists alike about the contribution that we can make to better the human condition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Another review (APA) of Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow

PsycNET - Direct Products

Reviews the book, Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (see record 2011-26535-000). Kahneman provides a comprehensive review of what we have learned about thinking during the last 50 years and gives a personal account of his own role in that research. He describes groundbreaking studies on heuristics and biases that he conducted with his colleague Amos Tversky and describes a dual process theory to explain their findings. He proposes that there are two different ways in which people think: One is rapid, largely automatic, and prone to error; the other is slow, deliberate, and more accurate. Kahneman uses the catch phrase WYSIATI (what you see is all there is) to explain our inability to think about possibilities beyond those that are immediately obvious. He offers a fuller description of the mechanisms that underlie heuristics than has previously been available. Dual process theory still does not provide a complete answer to the question of when and why human thinking is error prone. The reviewer suggests that Thinking, Fast and Slow will be an invaluable statement of what we know now and will be used as the foundation for further development of the theory. Kahneman does not offer much encouragement to those who seek to improve people's reasoning. Perhaps the most important contribution of Thinking, Fast and Slow is that it offers a language in which we can discuss the reasoning of other people. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Article: $8.5 million NIH grant may help decipher dyslexia

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Psychological Methods - Volume 17, Issue 1

For my quantoid readers

A new issue is available for the following APA journal:

The problem of model selection uncertainty in structural equation modeling.
Page 1-14
Preacher, Kristopher J.;Merkle, Edgar C.

A time-varying effect model for intensive longitudinal data.
Page 61-77
Tan, Xianming;Shiyko, Mariya P.;Li, Runze;Li, Yuelin;Dierker, Lisa

The design and analysis of state-trace experiments.
Page 78-99
Prince, Melissa;Brown, Scott;Heathcote, Andrew

Clusterwise simultaneous component analysis for analyzing structural differences in multivariate multiblock data.
Page 100-119
De Roover, Kim;Ceulemans, Eva;Timmerman, Marieke E.;Vansteelandt, Kristof;Stouten, Jeroen;Onghena, Patrick

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The "Time Doc" (K. McGrew) Voice of America interview on focus and "quieting the busy mind"

Why is a scholar in intelligence theory and testing spending time working with and researching the brain-clock based neurotechnology of Interactive Metronome?

I have now explained this connection on my recent internet radio show interview. In it you will learn why IM technology appears to increase focus (controlled attention; working memory) in a manner similar to mindfulness meditation and other brain fitness programs. You will learn that these technologies help to "quiet the busy" mind that is due to the default brain network, via the strengthening of the salience and central executive networks. The connection with general intelligence (g) is also discussed via Jensen's neural efficiency hypothesis and the temporal g notion of neural efficiency. If you want to read more, check out the Time Doc's posts at the IM-Home blog (check for posts under my name or under the category of "science"....and be sure to click on "see other stories" if it does not give you all the posts) These include the Time Doc's own personal experience with the IM-Home brain clock based technology.

My radio interview with Maureen Palmer (OT), on Voice of America (Focus Point Review) is now available for off-line listening via MP3 or iTunes format (as a podcast). You can access these and listen for free. If you have an iPod, iTouch, iPad, I would recommend downloading the free podcast.

To find the file you go to the following link and look for this section with the links. Click on either the MP3 or iTunes options...and enjoy. GIven it is off-line you can skip thru commercial's, fast forward, pause, etc.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition - Online First Publications

The following articles have been published online this week before they appear in a final print and online issue of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition:

Can survival processing enhance story memory? Testing the generalizability of the adaptive memory framework.
Seamon, John G.;Bohn, Justin M.;Coddington, Inslee E.;Ebling, Maritza C.;Grund, Ethan M.;Haring, Catherine T.;Jang, Sue-Jung;Kim, Daniel;Liong, Christopher;Paley, Frances M.;Pang, Luke K.;Siddique, Ashik H.

Emotion Words Affect Eye Fixations During Reading.
Scott, Graham G.;O'Donnell, Patrick J.;Sereno, Sara C.

How Implicit Is Visual Statistical Learning?
Bertels, Julie;Franco, Ana;Destrebecqz, Arnaud

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

On the road again: Blogging lite

I will be traveling to a professional conference starting tomorrow and extending thru the entire week. Thus, the only posting you may see might be "push" FYI posts.

I shall return

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Article: Verbal and musical abilities are linked

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Don't think...your performance may stink: Choking under pressure --"be the ball"

Double click on images to enlarge

Very interesting article (Gray, 2011; Links Between Attention, Performance Pressure, and Movement in Skilled Motor Action) that explains why some individuals motor or athletic performance may suffer when under pressure. The classic "choking" problem. Bottom line is that if you have attained a solid level of proficiency on a task...when under pressure don't revert to focusing inward...focus outward and "quiet your busy mind'"

This study is very consistent with the Kahneman's highly acclaimed and recent book on the two systems of the brain - Thinking Fast and Slow.

It reminds me of Chevy Chase in Caddyshack where his advice to the young golfer was to "be the ball"

The article, as per IQ's Reading feature, can be found here.

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Article: How Meditating Helps with Multitasking - more on "quieting the busy mind"

Yet another article on the benefits of meditation..namely, "quieting the busy mind".  See my discussion of how this same or similar state can be obtained via brain clock based neurotechnology - at this link.

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Friday, February 17, 2012

Leading Brains e-newspaper is a recommended daily read

I produce two daily e-newspapers related to my blogs. I also subscribe to a few others. By far the hands down winner for detailed content related to the brain and neuroscience is Leading Brains. Check it out.

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Dissertation dish: Does music perception predict phonological awareness

The role of music perception in predicting phonological awareness in five- and six-year-old children by Lathroum, Linda M., Ph.D., University of Miami, 2011 , 130 pages; AAT 3491105


The purpose of this study was to examine the role of music perception in predicting phonological awareness in five- and six-year-old children. This study was based on the hypothesis that music perception and phonological awareness appear to have parallel auditory perceptual mechanisms. Previous research investigating the relationship between these constructs--music perception and phonological awareness--has been promising, but inconclusive. Phonological awareness is an important component of early literacy which many children struggle to acquire. If the constructs are shown to be related, music-based interventions may then be developed to promote phonological awareness, thus enhancing early literacy.

Music perception, phonological awareness, and visual-spatial skills of 119 five- and six-year-old children were tested. The researcher administered the Children's Music Aptitude Test (Stevens, 1987) in order to assess perception of pitch, rhythm, and melody. Subsequently, the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 1999) was administered in order to measure phonological awareness skills, including blending, elision, and sound matching. The Visual Spatial Relations subtest of the Woodcock Johnson III (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001) was later used to assess visual spatial skills.

Structural equation modeling (SEM) allowed the researcher to model relationships between the latent variables to investigate the contribution of music perception, visual-spatial skills, and age to phonological awareness. Results supported the hypothesis that music perception, visual spatial skills, and age predict phonological awareness.

Additionally, music perception made a statistically significant contribution to phonological awareness, when controlling for visual spatial skills and age. Specifically, music perception predicted a larger amount of standardized unit change in phonological awareness than did the other predictors in the theory. Thus, music perception appears to have a stronger relationship with phonological awareness than age or visual spatial skills.

Further, results showed that a model without music perception as a predictor of phonological awareness was not supported. These findings confirm that music perception plays a unique role in predicting phonological awareness, above and beyond the contribution made by visual spatial skills and age. This study's results could be used in support of the development of music-based interventions for promoting phonological awareness in five- and six-year-old children.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

You are a time machine: The brain clock and neurotechnolgy

Readers of this block may be interested in my "You are a time machine" post at the IM-HOME blog today. It summarizes the major research regarding the human brain clock as it relates to time-based neurotechnologies.

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Puzzles and math@PsychNews, 2/16/12 1:07 PM

Psychology News (@PsychNews)
2/16/12 1:07 PM
Children's Puzzle Play Linked to Learning Math-Related Skills

Sent from my KMcGrew IPhone

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The First Richard Woodcock Institute For Advancement of Contemporary Cognitive Assessment - Sept 29, 2012

Below is the formal announcement (from Barb Wendling of the Woodcock-Munoz Foundation) of the first Richard Woodcock Institute For Advancement of Contemporary Cognitive Assessment. [Conflict of interest disclosure: I am a coauthor of the WJ III and also am the Research Director for WMF]

The Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation has established an institute to support the advancement of contemporary cognitive assessment and to provide professional growth opportunities for practitioners, students, and faculty. In recognition of the many contributions that Dr. Richard Woodcock has made to the field of psychology and cognitive assessment, the institute is named in his honor.

We invite our university grant programs to collaborate with the WMF on this venture by serving as a host site. Our plan is to hold each Institute at a different university so that professionals in various geographic locations can have access to this opportunity for professional growth.

The Institute is a one-day event featuring nationally-known speakers and topics related to contemporary cognitive assessment and theory. The first Institute will feature Dr. Richard Woodcock as the keynote speaker and Dr. Kevin McGrew and Dr. Nancy Mather as the session presenters. Our first host site is Tufts University and the Institute will be held September 29, 2012. Details regarding the inaugural Institute will be available at the WMF website ( by March 30, 2012.

If you are interested in serving as a host site or have ideas for topics or speakers for future institutes, please contact Barbara Wendling, Director, Richard Woodcock Institute, at


Barbara J. Wendling
Director, The Richard Woodcock Institute

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Fwd: American Psychologist - Volume 67, Issue 2

A new issue is available for the following APA journal:

Correction to Nisbett et al. (2012).
Page 129
Nisbett, Richard E.;Aronson, Joshua;Blair, Clancy;Dickens, William;Flynn, James;Halpern, Diane F.;Turkheimer, Eric

Intelligence: New findings and theoretical developments.
Page 130-159
Nisbett, Richard E.;Aronson, Joshua;Blair, Clancy;Dickens, William;Flynn, James;Halpern, Diane F.;Turkheimer, Eric

Herschel Weldon Leibowitz (1925–2011).
Page 160
Harvey Jr., Lewis O.

Bartley Gore Hoebel (1935–2011).
Page 161
Gross, Charles

Marianne L. Simmel (1923–2010).
Page 162
Golomb, Claire

Laurence Binet Brown (1927–2011).
Page 162
Fuchs, Alfred H.

Journal of Educational Psychology - Online First Publications & Volume 104, Issue 1

APA Journal alerts for:
Journal of Educational Psychology

The following articles have been published online this week before they appear in a final print and online issue of Journal of Educational Psychology:

Predicting Early Academic Failure in High School From Prior Academic Achievement, Psychosocial Characteristics, and Behavior.
Casillas, Alex;Robbins, Steve;Allen, Jeff;Kuo, Yi-Lung;Hanson, Mary Ann;Schmeiser, Cynthia

Finding Similarities and Differences in the Solutions of Word Problems.
Reed, Stephen K.;Stebick, Sara;Comey, Brittany;Carroll, Donja

Reader–Text Interactions: How Differential Text and Question Types Influence Cognitive Skills Needed for Reading Comprehension.
Eason, Sarah H.;Goldberg, Lindsay F.;Young, Katherine M.;Geist, Megan C.;Cutting, Laurie E.

  • A new issue is available:

Switching on and switching off in mathematics: An ecological study of future intent and disengagement among middle school students.
Page 1-18
Martin, Andrew J.;Anderson, Judy;Bobis, Janette;Way, Jennifer;Vellar, Rosemary

Relationships among adolescents' perceptions of friends' behaviors, academic self-concept, and math performance.
Page 19-31
Jones, Martin H.;Audley-Piotrowski, Shannon R.;Kiefer, Sarah M.

Psychologically controlling teaching: Examining outcomes, antecedents, and mediators.
Page 108-120
Soenens, Bart;Sierens, Eline;Vansteenkiste, Maarten;Dochy, Filip;Goossens, Luc

Maternal mediation of word writing in Chinese across Hong Kong and Beijing.
Page 121-137
Lin, Dan;McBride-Chang, Catherine;Aram, Dorit;Shu, Hua;Levin, Iris;Cho, Jeung-Ryeul

Setting lower limits high: The role of boundary goals in achievement motivation.
Page 138-149
Corker, Katherine S.;Donnellan, M. Brent

Prevalence and nature of late-emerging poor readers.
Page 166-181
Catts, Hugh W.;Compton, Donald;Tomblin, J. Bruce;Bridges, Mindy Sittner

Online tutoring as a pivotal quality of web-based early literacy programs.
Page 182-192
Kegel, Cornelia A. T.;Bus, Adriana G.

Unraveling the mystery of mirror writing in typically developing children.
Page 193-205
Fischer, Jean-Paul;Tazouti, Youssef

Predicting first graders' development of calculation versus word-problem performance: The role of dynamic assessment.
Page 224-234
Seethaler, Pamela M.;Fuchs, Lynn S.;Fuchs, Douglas;Compton, Donald L.

Narrative games for learning: Testing the discovery and narrative hypotheses.
Page 235-249
Adams, Deanne M.;Mayer, Richard E.;MacNamara, Andrew;Koenig, Alan;Wainess, Richard

Verbal redundancy in multimedia learning environments: A meta-analysis.
Page 250-263
Adesope, Olusola O.;Nesbit, John C.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Article: Mathematical cognition deficits in children with learning disabilities and persistent low achievement: A five-year prospective study.

Mathematical cognition deficits in children with learning disabilities and persistent low achievement: A five-year prospective study.

(Sent from Flipboard)

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Article: Enhancing spatial ability through sport practice: Evidence for an effect of motor training on mental rotation performance.

Enhancing spatial ability through sport practice: Evidence for an effect of motor training on mental rotation performance.

(Sent from Flipboard)

Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence v2.0 - Model summary and definitions document updated

Dr. Joel Schneider and I have crafted an abridged summary of our "tweaking" of the CHC taxonomy of broad and narrow ability definitions (CHC v2.0) published in the 3rd edition of Flanagan and Harrison's Contemporary Intellectual Assessment (CIA; 2012) book. The book chapter is extensive and does not included a table of revised definitions. Nor does it include a grand figure.Thus, we have developed such a summary and make it available here.  Also, the slides are available for viewing via  SlideShare.

Please be careful in the use of the definitions. In our chapter we expand on the definitions and include a section on "unresolved issues" the taxonomy is fluid and evolving and should not be seen as cast in stone. Purchasing the book and reading the complete chapter, as well as a ton of other excellent chapters in CIA-3, is strongly recommended.

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Fwd: Jan/Feb 2012 SchoolNeuro Newsletter


School Neuro News: January/February, 2012
SNP Logo
What's new from A message from Daniel C. Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, ABSNP, NCSP
New Website Launched
After a year's work, KIDS, Inc. was pleased to launch a new version of the website, The look and feel of the website has been enhanced. For registered users on the previous site, your username and password have changed. If you did not receive an email from us with your new login information let me know ( 

Many of the new features are invisible to our users but are designed to make us more productive and to help us manage your interactions with our company. We are now offering credit card payments for Alumni Website Renewals and for making deposits and payments for the School Neuropsychology Training Program and the Summer Institute.

Two new paid CE/CPD Modules were added to the website. Dr. Elaine-Fletcher Janzen has a 4 hour webinar on the Neuropsychology of Chronic Illness (with a focus on diabetes, asthma, and seizure disorders). I would also highly recommend that you invite your school psychologist colleagues to view Dr. Flanagan's updated webinar or Dr. Hale's webinar, both of which address how to use neuropsychological assessment to identify patterns of strengths and weaknesses in children suspected of having specific learning disabilities.

Take time to visit the revised website and bookmark it to keep up with new trainings and resources related to school neuropsychology.

July 11-13, 2012 School Neuropsychology Summer Institute Speakers Finalized
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

  • Full Day Preconference Workshop:  Dr. George McCloskey - Understanding Executive Functions: From Theories, Assessment, and Interventions
  • Keynote Presentation: Drs. Alan and Nadeen Kaufman and Dr. Elaine Fletcher-Janzen - The Role of Cognitive Assessment in Intervention Planning: Historical to Contemporary Practices

Thursday, July 12, 2012

  • Dr. Margaret Semrud-Clikeman - Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: In the Eye of the Beholder?
  • Using neuropsychology processing deficits to identify Specific Learning Disabilities: Oregon Models - Jim Hanson and Karen Apgar
  • Dr. David Schwartz - Making School Neuropsychological Reports Relevant to Curriculum and Instruction
  • Dr. Jack Naglieri - Using PASS Neurocognitive Theory and Cognitive Assessment System: From Evaluation to Instruction

Friday, July 13, 2012

  • Dr. Christopher G. Vaughan - Concussion Recognition and Response
  • Dr. Sam Goldstein - Executive Functions and Childhood Disorders: New Assessments and Interventions
  • Drs. Erin Avirett and Jordana Mortimer - Updates on Executive Functioning: How to Incorporate the Most Recent Literature on Executive Functioning into Practice
  • Dr. Daniel C. Miller - Update on the School Neuropsychology Conceptual Model and School Neuropsychology Report Shell

Check all of the Summer Institute details at

Online Registration Starts March 1, 2012

New California Board of Behavioral Sciences CE Provider
KIDS, Inc. has been approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide continuing education. This will specifically be helpful to those professional who are California Licensed Educational Psychologists (LEPs).
Share this Newslette with your friends is a Division of KIDS, Inc. that specializes in quality training in the emerging specialization of school neuropsychology. 

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Research byte: Dual method model of cognitive control

Click on images to enlarge

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Research byte: A big picture cognitive model for informing instruction

Click on images to enlarge. I love synthesis articles that present visual models.

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Quantoids rejoice: The age of big data

Alvaro Fernandez

 on Twitter
"RT @mgorbis: NYTimes: The Age of Big Data"
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Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Research bytes: Cognitive load theory--recent research updates

Educational Psychology Review appears to be a hot bed for publications regarding cognitive load theory. Below are abstracts (double click to enlarge) of three articles I downloaded today at They are all open access articles. So, if you want to download and read go to their web page. You will need to set up an account first..then you can have access to a number of open access articles from a variety of journals.

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IQ's Corner and Brain Clock "Times" daily

A number of months ago I started two different daily e-newspapers. It took a while to find feeds that provided good content related to each paper, but I think things are good now. However, I will continue to revise those feeds that are searched and incorporated with regularity.

The two papers are below with links to where you can subscribe by hitting the subscribe button at each page. You should be able to subsribe and have an email in your inbox each day. You do NOT need a Twitter or Facebook account to subsribe..which was a common complaint I had earlier. That problem turned out to be my error as I was providing people a link to my personal sign-in page.

Enjoy. There is some overlap in content.

IQ's Corner--Intelligent IQ Insights. This is associated with IQ's Corner Blog

The Brain Clock "Times." This is associated with the Brain Clock blog.

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