Thursday, May 29, 2008

Alzheimers Q and A

FYI. Questions and answers about Alzheimers in NY TIMES. Click link to

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CHC and reading research synthesis project update

The CHC & Reading research synthesis project has been updated (click here for original post and description). Aside from some minor spelling edits, the major changes are a number of significant additions:
  • Inclusion of my own ongoing CHC-achievement correlates meta-analysis project results
  • Inclusion of other non-CHC organized research synthesis article results in the synthesis (e.g., Shaywitz et al., 2008 Annual Review of Psychology article)
  • Links to on-line Power Point presentations from NASP 2008 that provide a context and summary of the results in the larger synthesis "big picture."
  • A grand summary table (for those who prefer a linear/tabular summary versus the Gv-oriented clickable Mind Map navigation of the current page).
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Did Spearman abandon g? Guest post by Ruben Lopez

The following is a guest post by Ruben Lopez, school psychologist with the Moreno Valley Unified School District, CA and member of the IQs Corner Virtual Community of Scholars.

Ruben reviewed the following article and has provided his comments below.

  • Deary, I. J., Lawn, M., & Bartholomew, D. J. (2008). A conversation between Charles Spearman, Godfrey Thomson, and Edward L. Thorndike: The international examinations inquiry meetings 1931-1938. History of Psychology, 11(2), 122-142 (click here to view)
At the end of his life, did Spearman abandon g?

After his retirement and late in life at age 68, what did Charles E. Spearman, discoverer of the general factor of human intelligence (symbolized as g), really think about general factor g? A recent article in the journal History of Psychology (complete citation above) addresses this question and concludes that Spearman’s long-standing adversaries Godfrey Thomson and Edward Thorndike proposed an incipient version of the CHC broad factors known as fluid (Gf) and crystallized (Gc). If Thomson and Thorndike indeed proposed an incipient non-hierarchical Gf-Gc versus Spearman’s hierarchical g, they began a debate which would continue more than 70 years later between CHC luminaries John Carroll (in support of hierarchical g) against John Horn (in support of non-hierarchical Gf-Gc)—a debate they waged until fairly recently to the end of both of their lives.

In their article, Deary, Lawn, and Bartholomew analyze word for word transcriptions of the contributions Spearman, Thomson, and Thorndike made to the theory and practice of testing intelligence at three meetings in 1931, 1935, and 1938 to which Spearman had been invited by Thorndike. Yet Deary, et al. report that Thorndike and Thomson found their interaction with Spearman to be negative and Spearman felt the same. Moreover, it seems to me that Deary, et al. clearly favored Thomson and Thorndike over Spearman’s contributions and personal style. Deary, et al., for example, describe Thomson as practical and winning, while Spearman in contrast is described as mechanically theoretical and a “contrarian”, waiting only to challenge and correct the theoretical views of the other participants.

Deary, et al. cite statements by Spearman that appear to indicate that he was uncertain or even disbelieved that g exists beyond being nothing more than a statistical phenomenon, as many anti-g proponents wish to communicate when they say that Spearman believed that g was just a “positive manifold.” Deary, et al., for example, suggest that supporters of g should know that at these meetings Spearman said about g, “There is no such thing, but only a general factor in intelligence.” (p. 126)

Yet at the same meeting Spearman said, “This than is what the G term means, a score-factor and nothing more. But this meaning is sufficient to render the term well defined so that the underlying thing is susceptible to scientific investigation; we can proceed to find out facts about this score-factor, or G. We can ascertain the kind of mental operations in which it plays a dominant part as compared with the other or specific factor.” (p. 126) This says to me that Spearman as an objective researcher admitted that g was at least a psychometric fact but at the time was a phenomenon that was not understood in psychological or biological terms.

Therefore, this article convinced me that even as an old man, likely battle worn by younger adversaries like Thorndike and Thomson, Spearman did not appear to have abandoned g. In fact, one year after the last meeting with Spearmen at a symposium of the British Psychological Society in 1939, Godfrey Thomson is quoted in the article as saying, “I myself lean at the moment more toward Spearman’s g and his later group factors than I do to Thurstone’s….” (p. 129) Also, 69 years ago, Thomson conceded at the symposium, “Surely the real defense of g is simply that it has proved useful.” (p. 129)

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Disseration Dish: God and IQ

I just ran across this new unpublished doctoral dissertation. I only have read the abstract so I have no basis on which to comment on the methodology, size of the "marginal" relationship between Glr and "Awareness of God", etc. This is just an FYI post. I wish I did have access to the entire dissertation as I'd be interested in the literature review and hypothesis about the Glr-spirituality link.

Cognitive deficits and spiritual development: The relationships between cognitive deficits and spiritual development
by Thomas, Charles Nolan, Ph.D., Liberty University, 2008, 117 pages; AAT 3297567

Abstract (Summary)
  • An individual's spirituality is shaped and supported by his or her cognitive capacities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between various cognitive deficits and the spiritual development in individuals who qualified for special education under the category of Specific Learning Disability. Participants were randomly selected through systematic sampling of students and former students of Kellyville Public School who met the criteria. The cognitive deficits were measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (2001) or the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-R (1989), and spiritual development was measured by the Spiritual Assessment Inventory (2002). The results of this study indicate that there is a marginal correlation between Long-Term Retrieval and Awareness of God.

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IQs Corner Book Nook APA Reviews 5-29-08

A new issue of PsycCRITIQUES is available online.

May 28, 2008
Volume 53, Issue 22

Book Reviews
1. Healing From Violence: Latino Men's Journey to a New Masculinity
Authors: Christauria Welland and Neil Ribner
Reviewer: Kellina M. Craig-Henderson

2. Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness
Author: B. Alan Wallace
Reviewer: Simon M. McCrea

3. A Historical and Contemporary Look at Psychological Systems
Author: Joseph J. Pear
Reviewer: Eugene Taylor

4. Aggression and Adaptation: The Bright Side to Bad Behavior
Authors: Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, and Philip C. Rodkin (Eds.)
Reviewer: Eric K. Cooper

5. Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Assessment and Intervention
Authors: Shane R. Jimerson, Matthew K. Burns, and Amanda M. VanDerHeyden (Eds.)
Reviewer: Stephen P. Hampe

6. Responsibility at Work: How Leading Professionals Act (or Don't Act) Responsibly
Author: Howard Gardner (Ed.)
Reviewer: Karl N. Kelley

7. Directive Family Therapy
Authors: Jay Haley and Madeleine Richeport-Haley
Reviewer: Dolores E. McCarthy

8. Causal Learning: Psychology, Philosophy, and Computation
Authors: Alison Gopnik and Laura Schulz (Eds.)
Reviewer: James J. Jakubow

9. Diagnostic Manual—Intellectual Disability: A Textbook of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Robert Fletcher, Earl Loschen, Chrissoula Stavrakaki, and Michael First (Eds.)
Reviewer: Donald P. Oswald

10. Handbook of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Authors: John W. Jacobson, James A. Mulick, and Johannes Rojahn (Eds.)
Reviewer: Scott J. Hunter

11. Promoting Self-Determination in Students With Developmental Disabilities
Author: Michael L. Wehmeyer
Reviewer: Marcie N. Desrochers

Film Review
12. Premonition
Director: Mennan Yapo
Reviewer: Etzel Cardeña

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Senior moments: It sucks getting old

Article on "senior moments" from APA. Click on link below.

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Dissertation Dish: WJ III and ADHD and poor reading

Two new unpublished dissertations located that used Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ III) measures (conflict of interest disclosure - I'm a coauthor of the WJ III) to investigate the relations between (a) Gs and poor reading and (b) WJ III clinical clusters and tests and ADHD.

In a sample of 26 ADHD (and 26 controls), Bray (2004) reported that the WJ III clinical clusters, based on discriminative function analysis, correctly classified 72.4% of the ADHD subjects. From a pool of 11 WJ III tests, correct classification was 87.2 %. The most highly discriminating tests were Auditory Attention, Auditory Work Memory and Rapid Picture Naming. Interesting.

Urso (2008) reports strong relations between processing speed (Gs) and poor reading performance. Although the results are interesting, the real value of this dissertation (IMHO) is the excellent literature review of the processing speed (Gs/Gt) literature, particularly as it relates to reading disabilities.

Hopefully the authors of these dissertations will work them into manuscripts to be submitted for journal publication.Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Random tidbits from mind blogosphere 5-27-08

  • Thanks to the Brain Injury blog for the FYI re: a new brain injury book to be featured on NPR.
  • PsycPORT has a press release on the loss of work productivity due to ADHD in adults.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

School Psychology Exam site

I just learned of a School Psychology Exam prep. web page. I've not checked it out so this is not an endorsement. This is just a pass-a-long FYI. I've added it to my blogroll.

Has anyone used this service? If you have, feel free to leave a comment.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Guide to your body- how to age well

Nice article in NY TIMES regarding a guide to your body and how to age well.

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IQ Brain Clock research summary packet

This is a copy of a post I just made at IQ's Corner sister blog--The IQ Brain Clock.

The Interactive Metronome neurotechnology company, with some assistance from yours truly (see conflict of interest disclosure), has put together a "Timing Research" packet that summarizes some (but not all) of the major mental timing (IQ Brain Clock) research studies published to date, some dealing with the IM-specific intervention research, others dealing with related background research articles.

Click here to view/download ( is 5+ MB and may download slow if you are on dial-up or are using wifi). It will also be added to the key research articles section of the IQ Brain Clock blog.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Misc: Gallery of drug ads

From the "Of Two Minds" blog

steve_icon_medium.jpgThis gallery is sweet! The Online gallery of modern and vintage psychiatric drug advertising has a large selection of some pretty scary old drug advertisements and packaging.

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IQs Corner Book Nook APA reviews 5-20-08

A new issue of PsycCRITIQUES is available online.

May 21, 2008
Volume 53, Issue 21

Book Reviews
1. Authoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing the Whole Child
Author: Kathleen Kovner Kline (Ed.)
Reviewer: David W. Carroll

2. Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience
Author: Alice Rothchild
Reviewer: Andrea Blanch

3. Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment
Authors: James A. Coan and John J. B. Allen (Eds.)
Reviewer: Sharon Rae Jenkins

4. The Substance Abuse Handbook
Authors: Pedro Ruiz, Eric Strain, and John Langrod
Reviewer: John C. Roitzsch

5. Sex Discrimination in the Workplace
Authors: Faye J. Crosby, Margaret S. Stockdale, and S. Ann Ropp (Eds.)
Reviewer: Steven M. Elias

6. In the Shadow of Death: Restorative Justice and Death Row Families
Authors: Elizabeth Beck, Sarah Britto, and Arlene Andrews
Reviewer: Norman A. White

7. Social Competence in Children
Author: Margaret Semrud-Clikeman
Reviewers: Victoria Talwar and Sarah-Jane Renaud

8. Closing the Leadership Gap: How District and University Partnerships Shape Effective School Leaders
Authors: Teresa N. Miller, Mary Devin, and Robert J. Shoop
Reviewer: Catherine Scott

9. Freud's Art—Psychoanalysis Retold
Author: Janet Sayers
Reviewer: Gerd H. Fenchel

10. Bullying: A Handbook for Educators and Parents
Authors: Ian Rivers, Neil Duncan, and Valerie E. Besag
Reviewers: Georgette Yetter and Stephanie Backof

11. Biology of Freedom: Neural Plasticity, Experience, and the Unconscious
Authors: François Ansermet and Pierre Magistretti (Susan Fairfield, Trans.)
Reviewer: E. James Lieberman

Video Review
12. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents With Multiple Problems
with Alec L. Miller
Reviewer: Kristin B. Webb

IQ Research Bytes # 3: Working memory in recent Intelligence issues

I give up. I can't keep up with the sheer mass of working-memory research articles I acquire, with the full intention of reading and make blog comment posts. There is simply tooooooo much being published. My prior post today (Working memory research is hot) provides links to all IQ's Corner working memory posts and a fresh working memory reference bibliography.

Below are working-memory articles (reference and abstracts only) that were either in the latest issue of Intelligence or are "in press" in the journal. If someone wants to take the time to read one or more of these articles and produce a guest Virtual Scholars blog post, I'd be willing to provide the volunteers with access to the articles off-line. Contact me via email if you are interested in helping keep readers abreast of recent research in this area.

Vock, M & Holling, H (2008). The measurement of visuo–spatial and verbal–numerical workingmemory: Development of IRT-based scales. Intelligence, 36, 161–182
  • The objective of this study is to explore the potential for developing IRT-based working memory scales for assessing specific working memory components in children (8–13 years). These working memory scales should measure cognitive abilities reliably in the upper range of ability distribution as well as in the normal range, and provide a much-needed, reliable, and valid test for assessing high intellectual abilities in children. Six computer-assisted working memory tasks were administered to 172 children from regular schools and to 202 children from special schools and other institutions for the gifted. A factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure and the existence of a verbal–numerical and a visuo–spatial working memory scale. Classical item analysis and IRT analysis yielded good psychometric properties for both scales and revealed that the scales are appropriate for measuring high cognitive abilities. Both scales showed substantial and differential power for the explanation of variance in school achievement.
Lynn, R. & Iwring, P. (2008). Sex differences in mental arithmetic, digit span, and g defined as working memory capacity. Intelligence, 36, 226–235

  • Meta-analyses are presented of sex differences in (1) the (mental) arithmetic subtest of the Wechsler intelligence tests for children and adolescents (the WISC and WPPSI tests), showing that boys obtained a mean advantage of .11d; (2) the (mental) arithmetic subtest of the Wechsler intelligence tests for adults (the WAIS tests) showing a mean male advantage of .47d; (3) the digit span subtest of the Wechsler intelligence tests for children and adolescents (the WISC and WPPSI tests), showing that girls obtained a mean advantage of .134d; (4) the digit span subtest of the Wechsler intelligence tests for adults (the WAIS tests) show in a male advantage of .116d among adults. These results show that the sex differences on mental arithmetic are not consistent with the sex differences on digit span. It is proposed that the reason for this is that mental arithmetic is a measure of working memory capacity while digit span is a measure of immediate memory capacity. If this is accepted, the results indicate that there is virtually no sex difference in immediate memory capacity (measured by digit span) but a small male advantage among children and a substantial male advantage among adults in working memory capacity (measured by mental arithmetic). The results are further interpreted in terms of Kyllonen's theory that working memory capacity is g. If this is accepted, it follows that males have an advantage in g and that the higher average means obtained by men in IQ tests like the WAIS and the Progressive Matrices is attributable to their advantage in g.
Colom, R. et al. (2008, in press). Working memory and intelligence are highly related constructs, but why?
  • Working memory and the general factor of intelligence (g) are highly related constructs. However, we still don't know why. Some models support the central role of simple short-term storage, whereas others appeal to executive functions like the control of attention. Nevertheless, the available empirical evidence does not suffice to get an answer, presumably because relevant measures are frequently considered in isolation. To overcome this problem, here we consider concurrently simple short-term storage, mental speed, updating, and the control of attention along with working memory and intelligence measures, across three separate studies. Several diverse measures are administered to a total of 661 participants. The findings are consistent with the view that simple short term storage largely accounts for the relationship between working memory and intelligence. Mental speed, updating, and the control of attention are not consistently related to working memory, and they are not genuinely associated with intelligence once the short-term storage component is removed.
Oberauer, K. et al. (2008, in press). Which working memory functions predict intelligence? Intelligence.
  • Investigates the relationship between three factors of working memory (storage and processing, relational integration, and supervision) and four factors of intelligence (reasoning, speed, memory, and creativity) using structural equation models. Relational integration predicted reasoning ability at least as well as the storage-and-processing construct. Supervision, measured as specific switch costs, was not related to intelligence, but general switch costs were moderately correlated to the reasoning factor. The results question the view of working memory as a device for storage and processing, and the executive-attention account of working memory. They are better explained by theories describing working memory as a system for building relational representations through temporary bindings between component representations.
Tillman, C. (2008, in press). Working memory components and intelligence in children. Intelligence.

  • This study investigated, in children aged 6–13 years, how different components of the working memory (WM) system (short-term storage and executive processes), within both verbal and visuospatial domains, relate to fluid intelligence. We also examined the degree of domain-specificity of the WM components as well as the differentiation of storage and executive components. The short term memory (STM) and WM tasks used allowed us to statistically separate the executive from the storage processes, enabling examination of separate processes in relation to intelligence. Our results demonstrated that all four WM components (verbal- and visuospatial short-term storage and verbal- and visuospatial executive processes) provided significant, independent contributions to intelligence, indicating that, in children, both storage and executive processes of the WM system are relevant to intelligence. Especially intriguing are our findings showing that verbal and visuospatial executive processes independently predicted intelligence, suggesting that, in children, the executive processes may rely on separate resources for the verbal and visuospatial domains.

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Working memory research is hot

Working memory research is doubt about it. I can't keep up with the literature. Someone should devote a blog just to this topic. Click here to visit all prior blog posts re: working memory (n=50+). I also just posted a bibliography of over 1400+ references that are included in my private IAP Reference Database (a permanent link is also present under the "Meta-web searches and Ref Bibs" section of this blog.

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PsychoEd Canada blog

I just discovered the relatively new PsychoEd Canada blog. I'm adding it to my blogroll and RSS feeds to monitor their posts for FYI'ing on IQ's Corner. According to the blog banner, the purpose of the blog is:

  • Welcome to PsychoEd Canada a resource for psychoeducational assessment with a Canadian twist. The site is a work in progress and will include a online psychoed resources, editorial blogs, unique resources for psychoed consultants, special education teachers, and related professionals. Material will be censored of item content to maintain test security. Posts are for information purposes only. Editorial posts are the authors personal views and are not to be taken as expert clinical advice.
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g (general IQ): Historical converstations - stay tunned

Yesterday on the NASP listserv NASP Historian Tom Fagan drew attention to the following article. One of IQ's Corners occasional contributors (Virtual Community of Scholars) indicated an interest in reading this article and providing a guest blog post. Below is the reference and abstract. Stay tunned for the forthcoming blog post.

Deary, I.J., Lawn, M., & Bartholomew, D. J. (2008). A conversation between Charles Spearman, Godfrey Thompson, and Edward L. Thornkdike: The International Examinations Inquiry Meetings 1931-1938. History of Psychology, 11(2), 122-142.

  • Even within “an appreciation of the fundamentally social nature of scientific activity” (K. Danziger, 1990, p. 3), it is unusual to read what key scientists actually said to each other, directly or in audience. Here the authors describe, structure, illustrate, and interpret the verbatim statements made by, and a detailed conversation that took place between, Charles Spearman, Godfrey Thomson, and Edward Thorndike within the Carnegie-funded International Examinations Inquiry meetings in 1931, 1935, and 1938. Unusually, there were transcriptions of all comments at these meetings, even of the smallest verbal utterance. The transcriptions offer a novel look at these researchers’ theoretical and practical approaches to intelligence testing and its place in education. Aspects of Thomson’s and Spearman’s personalities are in evidence too, from this unique source. One particular conversation among the three leads to an important new insight about intelligence and intelligence testing. These conversations provide new and complementary information on a trio of leading intelligence researchers whose individual contributions and interactions with each other were seminal in the scientific study of human cognitive abilities.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Can we train Gf (fluid IQ)?

Check out the following from one of my favorite blogs- Sharp Brains.:

"A recent scientific study is being welcomed as a landmark that shows how fluid intelligence can be improved through training. I interviewed one of the researchers recently (Can Intelligence Be Trained? Martin Buschkuehl shows how), and contributor Dr. Pascale Michelon adds her own take with the great article that follows. Enjoy!"

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Womens memories more speech specific?

FYI from BPS blog.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Working memory, Gf and task switching article

Database: PsycARTICLES
[Journal Article]
Speed and accuracy of accessing information in working memory: An individual differences investigation of focus switching.
Unsworth, Nash; Engle, Randall W.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 2008 May Vol 34(3) 616-630


Three experiments examined the nature of individual differences in switching the focus of attention in working memory. Participants performed 3 versions of a continuous counting task that required successive updating and switching between counts. Across all 3 experiments, individual differences in working memory span and fluid intelligence were related to the accuracy of the counts, but not to the time cost associated with switching between counts. The authors suggest that working memory span and fluid intelligence measures partially index the ability to accurately switch information in and out of the focus of attention, but this variation is not related to the speed of switching. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)

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Mind Hacks neurotch post

Intro to Mind Hacks post on neurotech article:
  • "High end business magazine Condé Nast Portfolio has a feature article on the latest developments in the 120 billion dollar neurotech industry that aims to develop drugs and devices to cure diseases and optimise our brains."....
This may be my solution to FYI mobile posting via my iPhone.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My second office

Here is where I spend much of my time working. Carbou coffee in St.
Cloud MM.

Mobile blog test post

Trying mobile phone blogging.

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IAP web page updated--yipppeeeeee

Within the past two weeks I've updated (finally) my IAP (Institute for Applied Psychometrics) web page. It now allows for the dynamic linking of the more static information of the IAP web page with the hot/dynamic information in my two blogs and EWOKS. Check it out. Book mark. Visit it frequently.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

IQ's Corner APA Book Nook Reviews 5-13-08

A new issue of PsycCRITIQUES is available online.

May 14, 2008
Volume 53, Issue 20

Companion Reviews
1. Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention
Author: Michael C. Seto
Reviewer: Marolyn Morford

2. Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention
Author: Michael C. Seto
Reviewers: William R. Holcomb and Ashlea Nuckols

Book Reviews
3. Alcohol Use Disorders
Authors: Stephen A. Maisto, Gerard J. Connors, and Ronda L. Dearing
Reviewers: Clayton Neighbors and M. Christina Hove

4. Chasing Dragonflies: Life and Care in Aging
Author: Lauren Smerglia Seifert
Reviewer: Jon C. Stuckey

5. Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Applications Across Disorders and Settings
Authors: Linda A Dimeff and Kelly Koerner (Eds.)
Reviewer: J. Scott Fraser

6. Trauma Psychology: Issues in Violence, Disaster, Health, and Illness
Author: Elizabeth K. Carll (Ed.)
Reviewer: Patricia Romano McGraw

7. Trauma and Human Existence: Autobiographical, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Reflections
Author: Robert D. Stolorow
Reviewer: Spyros D. Orfanos

8. Voices of Trauma: Treating Psychological Trauma Across Cultures
Authors: Boris Drožðek and John P. Wilson (Eds.)
Reviewer: Alejandra Suarez

9. International Community Psychology: History and Theories
Authors: Stephanie Reich, Manuel Riemer, Isaac Prilleltensky, and Maritza Montero (Eds.)
Reviewer: Sherry Hamby

10. A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion's Legacy to Psychoanalysis
Author: James S. Grotstein
Reviewer: Alan Cheney

11. Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity
Author: Robert Jensen
Reviewer: John Derbort

12. The Secret of “The Secret”: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Runaway Bestseller
Author: Karen Kelly
Reviewer: Rosanna E. Guadagno

Film Review
13. I Am Legend
Director: Francis Lawrence
Reviewer: Paul E. Priester

Random tidbits from mind blogosphere 5-13-08

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Genetics study links autism and brain clock

I just made a post re: interesting recent genetic research suggesting a link between Autism and mental timing (the IQ Brain Clock) at my other blog--The IQ Brain Clock.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Off task: Statistics t-shirts

Need a new wardrobe? Check out the neat statistics-themed t-shirts as FYI'd at the BPS blog.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

IQ's Corner Recent Literature of Interest 5-8-08

This weeks recent literature of interest can be found by clicking here.

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CHC theory overview article: Recommended resource

I just read what I believe is one of the most concise and up-to-date summaries of contemporary CHC intelligence theory.

The article was just published in the American Annals of the Deaf by Dr. Bryan D. Miller, Associate Professor of Psychology, Gallaudet University. The introduction and review would serve as concise overview for anyone interested in learning about CHC theory. In all honesty, much of the material sounds very familiar....that it was gleaned from Dr. Miller's reading of the major contemporary CHC articles and chapters, including my own CHC Theory: Past, Present and Future. I consider it a compliment when someone extends my well as the work of other contemporary CHC scholars. My only criticism is that greater credit should have been given to Dr. Richard Woodcock for being the primary mover-and-shaker in bringing Gf-Gc/CHC theory over to the field of applied intellectual assessment [see my historical treatment in CHC Theory: Past, Present and Future].

I have no expertise with this particular special population. Of interest to me was Dr. Miller's conclusion, based on a synthesis of research, that cognitive strengths in this population lie primarily in Gf, Glr, and Gv. What excites me most is the infusion of the CHC theory and terminology into another field.

As I've mentioned before (click here and here), the CHC tipping point has arrived as evidence by its infusion in related fields.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

WMF Human Cognitive Abilities archive project announcement

I'm pleased to announce, under the auspicious of my Woodcock-Munoz Foundation (WMF) Research Director Position hat (one of the many hats I wear), that the WMF Human Cognitive Abilities Archive Project is now operational! The focus of this project is to make available (for secondary data analysis) the original correlation matrices used by Dr. John "Jack" Carroll in his seminal treatise Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor-Analytic Studies (Carroll, 1993).

The WMF HCA archive can be found by clicking here (for Gv-oriented MindMap navigation, here for more traditional web page navigation, and here for a simple outline navigation mode. You can toggle between the three navigation modes via the three options in the upper right hand corner of each modes home page.

As you will see when visiting the site, there is a special WMF HCA announcement (newsletter) listserv that one should join to receive routine updates regarding the posting of new correlation matrices, as well as other project related information. Correlation matrices, as well as copies of the original manuscripts (if they can be located), will be posted as they are processed.

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IQ's Corner Book Nook: Adult Learning Disorders

I routinely receive FYI notices from the Neuropsychology Arena regarding new book publications. I received this one this morning. I've not read the book.

Adult Learning Disorders: Contemporary Issues

IQ's Corner Book Nook APA Reviews 5-7-08

A new issue of PsycCRITIQUES is available online.

May 7, 2008
Volume 53, Issue 19

Book Reviews
1. Stereotype Dynamics: Language-Based Approaches to the Formation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Stereotypes
Authors: Yoshihisa Kashima, Klaus Fiedler, and Peter Freytag (Eds.)
Reviewer: Matthew L. Newman

2. Gesture and the Dynamic Dimension of Language: Essays in Honor of David McNeill
Authors: Susan D. Duncan, Justine Cassell, and Elena T. Levy (Eds.)
Reviewers: Shelia Kennison and Seongwon Yun

3. The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window Into Human Nature
Author: Steven Pinker
Reviewer: Luciano L'Abate

4. Memory, Psychology and Second Language Learning
Author: Mick Randall
Reviewer: F. Richard Ferraro

5. Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change
Authors: Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Reviewer: Luciano L'Abate

6. Psychodrama: Advances in Theory and Practice
Authors: Clark Baim, Jorge Burmeister, and Manuela Maciel (Eds.)
Reviewer: Linnea Carlson-Sabelli

7. Soldier's Heart: Close-up Today with PTSD in Vietnam Veterans
Authors: William Schroder and Ronald Dawe
Reviewer: Mary W. Lindahl

8. Management of Medical Disorders Associated with Drug Abuse and Addiction
Authors: Giuseppe Barbaro, Felice Nava, Giorgio Barbarini, and Alfio Lucchini (Eds.)
Reviewers: Andrew F. Angelino and Marcelo Batkis

9. Clinical Practice for People with Schizophrenia: A Humanistic and Empathetic Encounter
Author: Kam-Shing Yip
Reviewer: Tracy A. Knight

10. The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke
Authors: Olivier Godefroy and Julien Bogousslavsky (Eds.)
Reviewer: Henry A. Buchtel

11. Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method
Authors: Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith, and Anna Crane
Reviewers: Laura Myers and Bruce Thyer

Film Review
12. Canvas
Director: Joseph Greco
Reviewer: Michelle D. Sherman