Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
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The Tempo Times | March 2014: Brain Health Edition
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Get compensated for sharing your IM knowledge with other providers! We are looking for presentations for 2014. Click here to submit a description. If your presentation is accepted, you will receive $350 upon completion of the your live webinar presentation.
Meet March's Professional of the Month:
Dr. Kevin McGrew
Dr. Kevin McGrew, the Time Doc, is a member of the IM scientific advisory board and a strong advocate for the importance of better neural timing. In addition to co-authoring the fourth edition of the Woodcock-Johnson battery (WJ IV), he is the Director of the Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP), the Research Director for the Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation (WMF) and a visiting professor in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota, where he received his doctoral degree in the same field. Dr. McGrew clearly understands how to use his time wisely. After spending 12 years as a school psychologist, and another 10 as a professor of Applied Psychology, Dr. McGrew switched his focus to research. He has published over 70 articles, books and book chapters in his areas of expertise and maintains IQ's Corner blog and the Mindhub®. Look for Dr. McGrew in our upcoming IM demo video where he explains the importance of getting your brain and body in sync.
Read more in our blog... › Friendly Fire: A Look at Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, unpredictable condition that can rob individuals of their ability to live a normal, healthy life. Since lesions and plaque scars appear on multiple areas of brain matter, the severity and symptoms vary drastically. While some people my live a full, happy life with very few interruptions, others have their life cut short by a malignantly progressive form of the disease. With IM, you don't just adapt to MS, you can slow the progression and actually regain functional mobility. Today, we look at some of the symptoms of MS, treatment options, and the success of Margaret, a MS sufferer who uses IM to stay mobile and active.
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IM-Home Tips and Motivational Strategies
In case you missed our free webinar in January, we wanted to share some of the great tips for using Interactive Metronome® (IM) at home. IM-Home lets users train in the comfort and privacy of their own home while still receiving Provider-supervised IM training. It's time to take the clinic to your clients! IM-Home is also great for children looking for an edge in the classroom, athletes who want an advantage on the field and adults who want to excel professionally.
Read more in our blog... ›
Upcoming Webinars
▪ Effects of IM training on soccer skill performance in a sample of female elite soccer players
This webinar is based on a large study on elite female soccer players, investigating the effects of timing-training (IM) on soccer-specific skills. It will have emphasis on the effects of IM training on the performance of a number of soccer-specific skills (cross-pass, shot for goal and heading), but will also address some of the customized IM-exercises used, and the reasoning behind the choice of these specific exercises.
Moreover, the webinar will include some preliminary analyses of brain activation patterns (fMRI) before and after IM training. Here, we have investigated if the internal / cognitive representations of an observed action may change as an effect of IM training.
Date: 5/28/14
Time: 12:30 pm EST
Price: $15
CEUS: AOTA 0.1, BOC 1.0, PTs & PTAs may submit paperwork to your state board
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Interactive Metronome · 13798 NW 4th Street · Suite 300 · Sunrise, FL 33325 · USA
From: Assessing Psyche, Engaging Gauss, Seeking Sophia <>
Date: March 3, 2014 at 6:33:04 PM CST
Subject: [New post] I love the animation package in R!
W. Joel Schneider posted: "I am grateful that we live in an age in which individuals like Yihui Xie make things that help others make things. Aside from his extraordinary work with knitr, I am enjoying the ability to make any kind of animation I want with his animation package. My "
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New post on Assessing Psyche, Engaging Gauss, Seeking Sophia
I love the animation package in R!
by W. Joel SchneiderI am grateful that we live in an age in which individuals like Yihui Xie make things that help others make things. Aside from his extraordinary work with knitr, I am enjoying the ability to make any kind of animation I want with his animation package. My introductory stats lectures are less boring when I can make simple graphs move:
for (i in c(-0.9999,-0.999,seq(-0.995,0.995,0.005),0.999,0.9999,0.999,seq(0.995,-0.995,-.005),-0.999)){
plot(matrix(rep(1,2*n),nrow=n)%*%diag(m)+d%*%chol(matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),nrow=2))%*%diag(s),pch=16,col=rgb(0,0.12,0.88,alpha=0.3),ylab="Y",xlab="X", xlim=c(40,160), ylim=c(40,160),axes=F,main=bquote(rho==.(format(round(rho,2),nsmall=2))))
ani.options(convert = shQuote('C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.8.8-Q16/convert.exe'),ani.width=700, ani.height=800,interval = 0.05,"png",ani.type="png")
im.convert("S*.png",output="SEE1.gif",extra.opts="-dispose Background",clean=T)W. Joel Schneider | March 4, 2014 at 12:32 am | Tags: animation, R, Yihui Xie | Categories: R, Statistics | URL:
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Here is today's transcript for the oral arguements and questioning before the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) re the Hall v Florida Atkins case. To someone who has worked his entire career in intelligence testing, it is very interesting to hear the justices talk about IQ, SEM, etc.
Amicus briefs from APA and AAIDD (and others) have been posted previously at this blog. Prior decisions regarding Hall v Florida are available in the blogroll under Atkins decisions