Saturday, February 21, 2015

Research Byte: Strong working memory (WM)--fluid intelligence (Gf) relationship not due to time allowed on both sets of tasks

Very good article that does not support Chuderski's research that had suggested a relationship between time on task (not the same as cognitive processing speed-Gs) and fluid reasoning or working memory. The current study reinforces the very high (but not 1.0) effect size from working memory to Gf. However, how much time an individual (at least for young adults) spends on working memory or fluid tasks does not explain the strong WM--Gf relation. Generalization to children and the elderly cannot be made without further research.

What I find particularly interesting is the authors hypothesis that one possible general mechanism explanation for the WM-->Gf link is temporal based processing of information. This is consistent with the temporal power resolution hypotheses (or temporal g) of Rammsayer and colleagues and a large body of research I have reported at the Brain Clock blog. If you visit that link, pay particular attention to the MindHub Pub2 that presents a three-level hypothesized model for understanding the IM effect. Note that at the lowest neurocognitive and biological level of intelligence research, I have hypothesized that temporal g (and not Jensen's reaction time g) may be one of the key domain-general mechanisms driving critical cognitive abilities, especially working memory and fluid intelligence.

As per the recent four-level reductionistic framework (see brief 10 minute video explanation) I have offered to organize intelligence related research (adapted from Earl Hunt's work), the current study links research at the psychometric, information processing, and neurocognitive and biological (neural efficiency) levels.

Click on images to enlarge.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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